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The Garnet Edge ruby-orifices 2

Sizing your orifice to optimise cutting performance

As an experienced operator, you would be using the best quality abrasive – GMA Garnet™ of course! For your waterjet cutting projects.

How about the orifice size? Selecting a suitable orifice size optimises cutting performance and pro-longs the lifespan of your machine components. 

Quick guide to orifice selection:
When it comes to orifice selection, we often refer to an “Orifice Selection Chart” supplied by the pump manufacturer as their design engineers have done most of the calculations for us. From this chart, you can easily pick a 0.014” orifice or two 0.010” orifices for the 50 HP pump.

orifice selection table EN

* The chart is valid for a maximum operating pressure of up to 3800 bar.

Do you need assistance in selecting the right orifice for your cutting applications, contact us at: or call +49(0) 40 3014 228